General Overview of the History
From 1944/5 – 1994/5 The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold
Commission (TTTGC) was organised and implemented, by the Nations of the
World, with a Term period of Fifty (50) years. During this term period
the Commission held the Mandate, Rights and Authorities over The
Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.
(Note: This Commission should not be confused with the Trilateral
Commission that exists today).
Following the expiry of the 50 year term, the Nations of the World,
disappointed with the biased way The Combined International Collateral
Accounts had been utilised within the 50 years, agreed not to extend the
term of the TTTGC, but instead appointed a single independent person to
the position of International Treasury Controller with full rights,
authority, and legal ownership of the Combined International Collateral
On January 20th 1995, Dr. Ray C. Dam was appointed International
Treasury Controller, and Legal Heir and Owner of the Combined
International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, with full
authority and dispositional control of same, under Legal Decadency RCD
1088, executed by the Nations of the World.
Also established on January 20, 1995 was The Office of International
Treasury Control, as the management, administrative and operations
organization for His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam.
Dr. Ray C. Dam is a person, but His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam is a
certified and indemnified international Central Banking financial
institution operating as The Office of International Treasury Control.
Following the confirmation of the Powers and Authorities of His
Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam by the “Washington Panel” in 1998, the
establishment of the Institution —- The Office of International Treasury
Control —- was completed on January 20, 2003, whereby, based upon the
content and requirements of numerous International Treaties, The Office
of International Treasury Control was granted Sovereign Entity Status
under the United Nations Charter Control No: 10-60847.
Though not generally or publicly known, OITC is the largest
International Institution of its kind. It is the largest single owner of
gold and platinum bullion in the World, in addition to being a major
owner of Bank Debenture Securities, International Treasuries, Cash and
other forms of securities, all of which are recorded as assets of the
Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility,
whose accounts are held within the Federal Reserve, The Bank for
International Settlements, The US Treasury, Swiss National Bank, Swiss
Federal Finance Administration.
Since being established, the OITC has become the largest single owner
of Home Mortgage Securities in the World today. Original assets in the
form of gold have been wisely and well utilized to create wealth that
creates further wealth.
The Assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts are in
constant use, assisting to finance countries and such organisations,
either in part or full, as the International Monetary Fund, The World
Bank, The International Finance Corporation, International Development
Banks, United Nations, and additionally under-pinning the US Dollar as
the World’s Reserve Currency.
So as to protect the assets, as well as protecting Dr. Ray C. Dam
(International Treasury Controller), together with all other persons
involved, full International Protection and Immunity under Full Jacket
Security Level 3 – 5 was applied, attested and affirmed under the Great
Seal of America (No: 632-258894) on behalf of the International
Community, together and conjointly with Sovereign Entity Status under
the United Nations.
It should be noted that only a few persons in each country of the
world are eligible to be able to verify, or undertake a verification,
re: the position of Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller)
and the Office of International Treasury Control. Such persons are
limited to Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, with Ministers of
Finance and Ministers of Foreign Affairs subject to security status and
special conditions / dispensation.
For anyone, other than those persons referred to above, to attempt to
undertake verification would be futile and would result in deliberate
misinformation on same, or no response at all. Additionally,
“Classified” information is not available, and never will be, on or
through the “www” or various Web Sites which are totally unregulated,
uncontrolled, and legally void, whereby reference to such Web Sites will
only reveal speculations, innuendoes, comments from the uninformed,
deliberate propaganda and misinformation, or similar.
International Treaties:
Jekyll Island Agreement (Georgia U.S.A., 1908.)
The Aldrich Act (U.S.A. 1910 )
Creation of Federal Reserve System (Washington, U.S.A., 1913)
Trilateral Tripartite Trillenium Pact Between Nations (London 1921)
The Gold Act, (U.S.A. 1924)
Creation of Bank for International Settlements (January 20, 1930)
Bretton Woods Agreement (New Hampshire, U.S.A., 1944)
B.I.S. Agreement with the Allies (Berne, Switzerland, 1946)
Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (Geneva, Switzerland, 1963-1968)
Schweitzer Conference (Innsbruck, Austria, 1964)
Schweitzer Convention (The Hague, Netherlands, 1968 and revisions thereof, 1972, 1984, and 1998 Washington Panel)
Respecting the Rights Treaty (Bangkok 2003)
Pursuant to International Treaty Agreements agreed and entered, the
following being the rules for statement of the rules, with the funds and
assets thereof held under his irrevocable and absolute dispositional
control of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam as owner and Sole Arbiter of
all assets held under the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts and
all sub accounts thereof and linked thereto.
Butler, Charles H., The Treaty Making Power of the Means, United States Senator Committees);
The Green Hilton Agreement (Geneva 1963-1966 the Guarantee is
Declared on by International Consent); the Guarantee confirmed and
established under Schweitzer Innsbruck Conference (Innsbruck, Austria
1964, record: Democrat, Royden J, The Treaty Making Power in the Defense
of the Senates part in Treaty Making and the Foreign Controller of Gold
Act, (1972) in the Senate of the United States, Volume II, Chapter 7,
International Panel (The Hague 1968) which transferred to the Trust and
Foundation in its supervisory role and in protection of the free world.)
and subsequent revisions thereof governing the management and control
of International Collateral Combined Accounts otherwise also known as
the Global Debt Facility;

The RCD Full Jacket (record: Third Level and Five Level Rule in
Senate Actions upon Treaties (1901-1989) American Banking and Bullion
International Law 18 (1924)Amended Foreign Gold Act (1972, Washington
Appointment and Empowered the Person (January 20, 1995, The Congress
assembled the Legislative Press in the Tripartite, Trilateral,
Trillenium Pact, being the applicable Pact between World Governments
(London, 1921).
Reference Codes
Ownership Rights Recorded : ……Legal Decadency to Heir RCD1088 Far East Entire
Governments Empowered the Person : ……..International Control No. 10-60847
International Clearing Code : ……………………….UNRCD-ID006197
UN/Federal Service Record No. : ……………………………0-99-2-33
Protectorate and Immunity Granted and Recorded: …Great Seal No. 632259984
Statements of Fact
1. The Tripartite Gold Commission, established under
the Bretton Woods Agreement for a single term of 50 years, ceased
operations in 1994 and was formerly wound up in 1997, after having
fulfilled it’s life term.The World Governments via their respective
interests in the Bank for International Settlements, appointed a Sole
Arbiter to succeed the Commission on January 20, 1995. All assets deemed
to be held under the Commission’s Trustee were ceded and transferred to
the Ownership of the Sole Arbiter, thereby granting unrestricted and
absolute control to the Sole Arbiter.
2. His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam, is the appointed
and empowered person holding full disposition rights and authority over
said assets and accounts by virtue of the authority vested in him by the
Governments of the World, whom he represents, such authority being
chartered and then registered with the United Nations.
3. As Chairman of the said Trust and Foundation and
Sole Arbiter and Lawful Owner of all the assets held within Foundation
Divine and the Heritage International Trust and their internal and
ancillary Trusts, Foundations and Corporations, such Ownership granted
to him by the International Community on January 20, 1995, His
Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam holds the absolute right to determine and make
ruling, such ruling to be enforced (if necessary) by the Justice
Department of the United States of America; (this right of control is
guaranteed by the United States Congress ,reaffirmed by the Senate of
the United States and recorded within United States Presidential Office
of Management and Budget, whereat, empowerment of his person and his
full indemnified status is acknowledged under Great Seal No. 632259984
and further registered within the International Division of the
Department of the Treasury of the United States of America, The Bank for
International Settlements, Swiss National Bank and the Swiss Federal
Finance Administration), whereby his determination and ruling on all
matters relating to the assets under his control is inviolate and may
not be set aside, modified or denied by any agreement or arrangement
between other parties and or institutions, or by any other ruling not
assented to by the International Community who empowered his person.
Decisions / Determinations made by H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam in respect of the
Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility,
take precedence over all / any laws, adjudications, Legal Rulings, or
similar, determined by any Court of any other Country, including the The
International Courts (World Courts).
4. Under International Control Number 10-60847, the
right of control is established and Chartered by Treaty Agreement
between all Nations, then registered with the United Nations as a
sovereign entity that is to be beyond all other jurisdictional controls.
This creation of a sovereign jurisdiction of control preserves and
protects the official independence of the appointed and empowered
person, His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam, his heirs and successors.
5. Within that Jurisdiction are two institutions:
a. The Office of International Treasury Control: This Institutional
Organization exists to assist and advise the International Treasury
Controller, His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam, in the exercising of his
b. Consolidated Credit Bank Limited: A non-public internal Bank which
is empowered and deemed as the last holding bank, the only Bank in the
World with lawful authority and capacity to confirm assets and accounts
of the International Treasury Controller and to issue any legal
obligation against those accounts and to direct beneficial payments for
those accounts. It is an Institutional Bank held within the Federal
Reserve. It will not be found within the “Bankers Almanac”, “The
Banker”, or any other Professional Handbook.
6. Few organizations have been so publicly attacked
and maligned as The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), by
intensive and extensive disinformation campaigns, gossip, innuendoes,
and the likes. Much of this is expanded by public perception and
failures in total understanding that is further fueled by “Levels of
Secrecy” that are imposed upon OITC, ignorance, political influence,
even fear, or similar issues.
All Governments are advised to stay with proper procedures and
protocols and to conduct any undertaking for verification of the real
existence of H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller),
the OITC in compliance with such procedures and protocols, and to
disregard internet gossip and reports, articles, or similar, to the
7. Political Issues. The Office of International
Treasury Control is a non-political organization whose objectives, as
determined by the Nations of the World, embodied within numerous
International Treaties, is to “Financially assist” the Nations of the
World and its People for the betterment of all, in a balanced and
sustainable manner, irrespective of the political or religious base of
any country.
8. Assets of the Combined International Collateral
Accounts of the Global Debt Facility: These are held in the majority of
Countries (Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America, China,
Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Jordan, Singapore, France,
Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Caribbean Islands, Egypt,
South Africa, Uruguay, Argentina, Italy, Russia, plus many more
countries) throughout the World, in Central Bank Vaults, Commercial
Banks, Bonded Warehouse Depositories, Military Establishments, and in
such inhospitable places as in Sunken Ships on the Seabed, on the bed of
large Reservoirs, Caves, Purposely dug Mountain Tunnels, Old Mines,
Bunkers, and such places.

The actual Accounts (Ledgers) are held within the US Federal Reserve,
The US Treasury, The Swiss National Bank, The Swiss Federal Finance
Authority and the Bank for International Settlements.
Transfers of any Assets, are restricted to the International Central
Bank System. Assets can rarely be transferred via the normal Commercial
Banks, but it is possible depending on the International status of any
specific Commercial Bank.