illustrator : Herman Zambeck
Different think is the way to get New World, Steve Job.
A new case will only be found by those who see things from a different angle in general.
Because there is always the sky above the sky, there is always a light at the top of the light, there is always a right at the top right, if we want to open up to a new perspective. (q.s 24:35).
Before the first world something quiet and silent, then Allah sent down His Light by Arabs called Nur Muhammad, and the ancient call Sunda archipelago.
Stillness and Light is the beginning of the incident before anything else.
However, scientists and people in general found the beginning of the universe originated occurrence of a large explosion which they call "BIG BANG".
They forget the basics of the law of nature, that an explosion could occur due to friction and collision objects, so from where the explosion BIG BANG could happen if there was never any objects before?
This means that the explosion "BIG BANG" is not the beginning of an event, but on the contrary, that "BIG BANG" is the final day of the call Qiyamat in Islam.
Qiyamat Though it is not about a destruction, but a new change, in which a new change will occur after the previous destruction, that's where the existence of God in one of his properties "Mujaddid" or reformer.
Because Qiyamat itself is derived from the word Qoma-yaqumu = Qiyamun,
example Qiyamul Lael = Build midnight, or Qiyamuhu binafsihi = stand alone, so Qiyamat it means waking up, stand up, and rose.
where a new resurrection will occur after the collapse of the old system.
Like an old tree that fell and died, then a few months later grows new shoots at the top of the tree carcass. (Q.S 75: 1-8)
BIG BANG is the day that Izroil angels blowing trumpets, then the planets were sucked into a black hole and compete so that the occurrence of a powerful explosion.
But on the other hand of God re-create a new event after coming out of the hole the light, at the other end after the destruction occurred an evolution therein.
So when someone tries to uncover the mystery of his past, then he will be unmasked his future, because the human mind is limited sense to know the universe and God's infinite power.
As with any messages in crop circles aliens who try to explain about the evolution of the human being, that the theory of "Big Bang" is not the beginning of the incident, but it is an evolution of the universe multiverse, and the aliens are making formulas whose truth can in the test.
So it is clear already that the theory of "Big Bang" theory of creation is human, but the beginning of the events actually occurred at the beginning of the universe is a silence, then Allah sent down His light so that from him created day and night, and then God created the angel of light, in an infinite number.
The angels were created from light as the water element in life, because water has properties that go down to the bottom, which is subject in any form.
Then the angel was exalt and revolves around His Light, so that when a collection of giant water ball spinning very fast, and there was air oxygen and hidrongen, and when hidorgen disconnected from oxygen, the hydrogen is burned so that it turns into a flaming fire, of the elements this is the sun and the stars created.
The sun was created from three basic elements of the first creation is light, then water, and fire or heat it's where life began, as was a human baby can be born as a mother and father, of a light heart that called love, then semen the radiated and turbulent flames of passion that drives him, then there is a process of life, it is not a theory but a formula that is verified.
So as it was the process of the universe, billions of light that begins later became suns scattered universe multiverse.
Of light, water and the fire then God created objects such as planets revolve around the sun respectively.
Then God created plants for some time.
Then God created animals where the animals are very useful for humans, as petroleum, food, pets, and so forth.
Finally God created the body as a home for the soul.
And Allah Almighty created man affinity-mate in very much even infinite, with different skin colors, different language, and different people, all of them are the signs of the great God (Surah 30: 22 -23).
Then God sent angels to control the whole of His creation, then the angels took 100 years to travel light to be able to control all of God's creation.
How is the human past can come back to God?
While angels just took a hundred years to get back to God,
And one day for God and the angels as a thousand years for humans.
Then the Spirit of God breathed into man, in which the spirit is God's caliph or in lieu of, the Spirit that later by Islamic people called Adam.
So it is said that every human being is a child of Adam, because every human being experiencing the same process, before he was born into the world he experienced nature of Adam with symbol gold circle.
Then God sent angels to prostrate to Adam (Ruh), but the King of Angels and some angels do not want to bow down to Adam, then so be it the devil.
Because the devil just bow down and submit to God alone, the devil does not receive a new thing when God was mujaddid which always makes an update on all of His creation.
So before Adam or Ruh blown as caliph, no sex, either male or female, but when God breathed the Spirit as Adam then automatically Eve or Lust is created, from the devil who are reluctant to bow down to Adam, so that after 100 the Spirit breathed into the fetus, the sex began to appear.
So in saying that Eve or Hawahu created from the rib, because Hawahu or lust indeed appear and are created in the minds of our minds from the picture ribs sticking out, even when a person is anxious, we can see the lust reaction of the ups and downs of the ribs.
Then Adam (Spiritual) and Eve (Physical) live in heaven, that is, in her fetus, because actually it is a pleasure flavor heaven. Where a human baby will not feel thirst, hunger, cold or hot, it is safe, serene and peaceful in his mother's womb.
Until one day the devil incarnate so serpent, tempted Eve to eat the fruit-lust love (kholdi), then Adam and Eve were cast out because of that reason.
Adam (Spiritual) and Eve (physical) was finally born into the world, born just under two feet to her mother, so it is said in the hadith of Muhammad that heaven was located just below the mother's feet.
Adam is Budhi is the power within themselves, and Eve is a creative power that is beyond himself, Adam did not have sex, but when Adam or Spirit breathed into the fetus therein appear Eve with two different sexes, women and men.
one lost two fairly.
Adam (Spiritual) and Eve (Physical) is an inseparable unity in human life, like a husband and wife.
There are five (5) desires or passions in life, namely:
1.Hawa objects (lust anger), 2. Eve plants (lust lawwamah), 3. animal Eve (lust sufiah), 4. Eve physical (lust mutmainah).
But to make up for the sins of her and her parents who have violated the prohibition not to eat of the fruit of love (kholdi) then Adam and Eve should be separated by submitting to God.
so that with it he found the separation sciences, and bring God back Adam and Eve in the field of Arafat, because by identifying yourself or Arafat binafsihi then he will know his Lord or robbahu Arafat.
Then Allah taught Adam Al-Asma or names of living things and the names of all of God's creation through intermediaries native language, because language is the child's mother tongue.
If his mother to speak English then even speak english, so if Adam and Eve it was the figure, there is no language in the world each difference, because all men must use their mother tongue and the language environment.
Because the language did not evolve into other languages, English is not derived from the Arabic language, if language evolved then that would be confirmed Darwin's theory of evolution, human evolution is not a physical or language but sociopathic.
Language consists of three classifications, namely language born of hearing, vision, and character, and all the languages that exist in this world, created by God through culture, and environment respectively.
we will never know when the language was there as a member of the body, we will never know when their eyes, we are only able to use it but we will never be able to know how it was originally, because all the signs of God for those who think (q.s 30: 22-23).
Along with his physical growth (weather) then sense his thoughts began to grow, and the more he learned a lot of things, then the greater the power of his thoughts, when ima-JIN-ation in his thoughts began to grow so that's where the figure JIN or KHODAM born.
Where JIN are software who are in the human mind, namely imagination.
The stronger his thoughts then the stronger the grip JIN that is in him.
So when a child begins to think, then the greater the desire, and the greater the anger.
Without realizing that JIN (imagination) was born and began to grow in him.
The brain is the hardware, and the mind as its software.
Jin who is inside is the imagination, while the genie that is outside the self, is a wandering spirit that is not received back in the sight of Allah, so that it becomes a virus that can damage the software that exists in the human brain, so possessed by jinn is actually a software that has been infected with a virus.
When Adam (Spirit) in heaven (fetus) when it has not created the jinn, because God only created the angels.
And the devil is of most angels do not want to bow down to Adam, while the jinn there and started born after Adam was born into the world and Adam began in controlled by the mind then that's where the genie or imagination began to be born and grow.
Jin was born from a combination of liver (angels) and Passion (the devil).
Jin is something that does not appears, as well as the fan, when propellers visible to the naked eye and looks, then he does not have a great power, but when the propeller fan spinning, the blades will not be appears to the eye, but it was then that he took great strength, as well as brain and mind. Is evident is the brain, but the mind and imagination are subtle form of invisible but gives great power to man in her life in this world.
Mind and imagination that is what is called the genie.
Mind is only useful as a device for human life in this world, while for the face of God, the mind should be stored under. But the mind and imagination always dominate and control of human life, so that people in general are still need objects as a mecca for prostrate, but for those who have identified themselves, then he would only bow down to him alone.
Is prostrate to Adam, as the Angels in order to prostrate hello to Adam. But the devil is always told to bow outward.
Humans are straight and really be in his power like the letter alif, Baitullah is physical, and the book is implied is his soul.
However, most people are still in need of objects as the center, and still need the book is written as a guide for how to worship from outside himself.
Muhammad is light in him that can only be opened when he surrendered. But most people just worship Him figure of Muhammad, he submits to His creation, not surrender to His created.
Humans are straight and really be in his power like the letter alif, Baitullah is physical, and the book is implied is his soul.
However, most people are still in need of objects as the center, and still need the book is written as a guide for how to worship from outside himself.
Muhammad is light in him that can only be opened when he surrendered. But most people just worship Him figure of Muhammad, he submits to His creation, not surrender to His created.
They still need wasilah or intermediaries, whereas there is no intermediary between man and God if he recognizes that his Adam and Eve, and Muhammad is the light in him.
So when a person surrendered to keep the mind in the least, he could control his thoughts, like the story alladin able to control the genie, so that the subject and his genie fulfill all orders.
Faith is the master mind of self, not the mind of the master himself that he has not said to be faithful if possessed faith in the coming of the knowledge gained by the mind, because faith is born of a sense of truth and reality of life.
There are several parts of the human brain, namely:
1.Neo cortex, the right brain and the left brain as a muscle, I call it a matter of the brain, the brain is not a mover, but instead of the brain that receives calls from other brain, 2. Mammals cortex, brain plants, 3. Reptilian cortex, the brain of animals, 4 . the brain behind, physically moving the physical brain is replek, 5. the pineal gland, the third eye, but I call it a spiritual eye, 6. eyes soul, the center of God's science scaled inward, so that from him he can receive revelation . 7. Spirit.
For them rid themselves of the influence of reasonable minds, hearts and desires, by way of surrender to God, then he will return to God to penetrate the sun.

Inna dina indallohi Islam, the true soul of the received back in the sight of Allah is surrender to Him.
Sunan KALIJAGA is one of the guardians of several trustees who have expertise in the field of pure art, because he is created shadow puppets, from the Hindu story in the adoption became an Islamic story with a character of human characters in everyday life, his service in the field of art have inspired millions people even more, that the Maestro in the field of art, because art is pure reality of his self-discovery, to the divine light.
Because pure art born of pure soul or spirit Qudus the spirit that keep the four elements of life world, symbolized the spirit Qudus also in the steeplechase, while it actually Qudus spirit is the spirit of the eighth that keep the journey of human life as a historian, which is only in have a prophet who called Hidir.
Dragon is a symbol of power and lust, so that when someone can beat the Dragon in him then he will get a Qudus sanctity of the Spirit, because the dragon is always there in the mythology of all nations.
But the dragon mythology vary in every nation, the nation of ancient Chinese dragon is considered a sacred mythology and sacred, in contrast to Europe, because Europe is considered as a symbol dragon crime.
Good dragon called NAGA-RA (negara), the RA for the designation of the sun god, and the evil dragon called NAGA-RI (negeri), where RI is darkness and evil.
Indonesia is a Negara (Good Dragon)with the workers who called Negeri (Bad Dragon).
Rakean Kalengkongan was a king who lived thousands of years BC, in a kingdom called Nagara Nusa the People's that called Ma-Nu-Sa.
He is Sundanese wiwitan or first light that teaches about manners or Shari'a, which at that time people still do not have a savage and civilized. can not say as a human, but his form the behavior of animals, so Rakean Kalengkongan apply the laws of social relationships and social in Nusa Nagara now called the archipelago.
Rakean Kalengkongan has two children, namely Anwar as Abel and Anwas as Qobil.
Anwar to follow the footsteps of his father as MA-NU-SA (Nation-Land-Water) because their country name is derived from the word Nusa NU, which means Land, and Sa / Shakti, which means water, and Her people called MA, so they call the nation as Manusa. So in saying that Adam comes from the land, which Manusa.
So even terms MUSA word that is given to Amenhotep Hidir Prophet, Moses comes from Sundanese language, ie the meaning of the word MU WOOD and SA / shakti which means water, because when he was born he was in put in the wood basket in flush to in the water of the Nile, the story takes us to a proof that the Prophet Hidir derived from the Sunda Archipelago (Baduy).
Anwas have properties that arrogant, riya, envious, and envy.
Anwas was going to leave Nusa and go to the Quru island (India) and become a Resi (a spiritual teachers), and became a term quru-resi (Quraishy), where he built a fire worship Nagari, the nation that called MA-JU-SI namely Nations fire-worshipers, who eventually called Hindu and lowering the descendants of King Vikram and also azar father of a Brahmin or Ibrahim, who had long ago pagan stone as a relic of the nation or Zoroastrian fire worshipers.
And Abraham or Brahmin's son Azar make an update on the tradition of his ancestors, to minimize the worship of idols