Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sejarah Lambang Bulan Sabit dan Bintang Dalam Agama Islam.

Banyak informasi yang merujuk bahwa Lambang Bulan Sabit yang digunakan oleh islam adalah nama Dewa Tertinggi (Dewa Bulan) di Mekah yakni Hubal (Sang Ilah, Allah, Al Ilah), hingga lambang bulan sabit ini begitu sangat special dalam islam. Mari kita lihat rujukannya :


Hubal (Arab:هبل) adalah berhala yang disembah sebagai Dewa Bulan oleh bangsa Arab Jahiliyah dan sangat terkenal di Mekkah sebelum datangnya ajaran Islam. 'Amr bin Luhay membawa berhala Hubal dari Kota Ma'arib (Moab) dan ia dianggap sebagai pelopor yang telah membawa berhala Hubal ke Jazirah Arab. (Wikipedia)

Dalam perjalanannya ke Suriah, Khuza’ah dan Jurhum meminta penduduk Moab untuk memberikan salah satu patung dewa sesembahan mereka. Maka mereka memberikannya Hubal, dan ia diletakkan dalam Ka’abah (Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources [Inner Traditions International, LTD. One Park Street, Rochestor Vermont 05767, 1983], p. 5)

Nama Allah sudah ada sebelum Islam!

Menurut Walid Khalidi:

Allah (allah, al-ilah, sang ilah) adalah dewa Mekkah yang utama, walaupun bukan satu-satunya….Ayah Muhammad bernama Abdullah, yang berarti abdi Allah (abd-Allah). Adapaun Allah adalah dewa suku Quraish (History of the Arabs from the Earliest Times to the Present, revised tenth edition, new preface by Walid Khalidi [Palgrave Macmillan, 2002; ISBN: 0-333-63142-0 paperback],, pp. 100-101

Allah, dewa sesembahan utama Arab purba, adalah objek ritual utama seluruh jazirah Arab sampai dengan Mediterania. Ia berasal dari ‘Il’ di Babilonia, ‘El’ di Kanaan, dan menjadi ‘Ilah’ di kalangan Badui Arabia. Oleh Muhammad, ia menjadi Allah, Tuhan alam semesta. Tradisi Juedo-Kristen melihatnya sebagai transformasi ilah pagan menjadi ilah monoteistik, dan keberatan dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan adanya keterkaitan histories dengan Tuhan dalam wahyu biblikal (Caesar E. Farah, Ph.D., Islam [Barron's Educational Series, 2000, sixth edition paperback] p. 28

Muhammad menghancurkan pemujaan terhadap al-Lat, al-Uzza dan Manat, namun berhenti menyerang sekte pemuja Hubal. Dari sini Wellhausen (sejarawan-red) menduga bahwa Hubal adalah tidak lain selain Allah, “dewa” orang-orang Mekkah.

Dewi al-Lat juga diasosiasikan dengan matahari. Dewa Dharrih mungkin saja dianggap matahari yang terbit. Ritual Islam lari dari Arafat ke Muzdalifah dan dari Muzdalifah ke Mina harus selesai setelah matahari terbenam dan sebelum terbit. Ini diinstruksikan oleh Muhammad, dan diasosiasikan dengan ritual pagan sebelumnya yang akan kita periksa lebih lanjut. Pemujaan bulan juga dilakukan dengan nama-nama Hilal, bulan sabit, Qamar, bulan penuh dan lain sebagainya.

Islam meminjam nama “Allah” dari suku-suku Arab purba. Nama ini bervariasi di kalangan berbagai suku Nabatean. Pada akhirnya ini diaplikasikan kepada satu sesembahan yang adalah ‘Satu-satunya’ dan ‘Yang Utama’ (Ibn Warraq, Why I Am Not A Muslim [Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1995], pp. 39-40, 42)

Konsep ‘Allah’ sebagai terminologi Arab untuk Tuhan yang Mahatinggi sudah familiar bagi masyarakat Arab di masa Muhammad. Yang dilakukan Muhammad adalah memberikan makna baru untuk membersihkannya dari atribut politeisme (H.A.R. Gibb, Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey [Oxford University Press, London 1961], p. 54)

Apakah Allah Islam ini adalah hasil metamorfosa Hubal (Dewa Bulan) Suku Quraish Mekah atau dari bangsa Moab ?

Hiiiiiiiii......!!!!! ... takuuuut ...

Dan perhatikan gambar-gambar diatas yang merujuk lambang bulan sabit ....



    Allah Is Not A Moon God
    MAY 27, 2011 in MISCONCEPTIONS with 1 COMMENT
    Many critics have stated that Allah is a moon God. But upon study, using understanding and Islamic sources, we find that this allegation lacks accuracy and is indeed false.
    The word ‘Allah’ is the Arabic term for ‘The God’. It has no plural or gender. It is also used by the Arab Christians and Jews for God.

    Islam did not invent or introduce the word ‘Allah’ to the world

    The Arabic Bible that has been used by Arab Christians, for the past 2000 years since the time Jesus (PBUH), refers to God as ‘Allah’.
    The Hebrew Bible refers to God as ‘Elohim’ which is similar to Allah/Ellah/Allahom.
    The word that corresponds to Allah in the Aramaic language – the mother tongue of Jesus (PBUH) – and used in the Aramaic Bible, is ‘Elaha’.
    The word that corresponds to ‘Allah’ in Syriac language, and used in the Syriac Bible, is ‘Alaha’.
    Islam forbids representing God in any shape or form. He is Imageless. Among God’s 99 beautiful attributes, God is described as “Al-Batin”, meaning the “The Hidden One”.

    The moon however, is not always hidden.

    People practicing idolatry have worshiped the moon in the past. But the Quran says it is clearly forbidden:

    ‘Among His Signs are the Night and the Day and the sun and Moon. Adore not the Sun and the Moon but adore Allah Who created them if it is Him ye wish to serve.’ Quran: 41:37

    Even the moon prostrates to God according to the Quran:

    ‘Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth― the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees the animals; and a great number among mankind?’ Quran: 22:18

    God cannot worship Himself. So therefore, Allah cannot be a moon God.

    The moon God of Pre-Islamic Arabia was Hubal

    Many people think that Allah was a moon God in pre-Islamic Arabia.

    But the moon God was in fact a deity called Hubal, and was also destroyed as Muhammad (PBUH) broke all the idols at the Kaaba.

    Some wrongfully claim that the name Allah was the title given to Hubal prior to the advent of Islam. Hubal was an idol, and Islam is strict in forbidding idol-worship:

    ‘Say: Will ye worship, besides Allah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you?’ Quran: 5:76

    Being polytheistic, and having another God besides Allah is an unforgivable sin, called shirk. Therefore, it is irrational to think that Muhammad (PBUH) would have changed the names, especially when there are various reports that Hubal was destroyed.

    Clear distinctions between Allah and Hubal

    During the Battle of Uhud, a distinction is made between the followers of Allah and the followers of Hubal is made clear by the statements of Muhammad and Abu Sufyan according to Hadith.

    Ibn Hisham narrates in the biography of Muhammad (A. Guillaume, The Life Of Muhammad: A Translation Of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, 2004):

    ‘When Abu Sufyan wanted to leave he went to the top of the mountain and shouted loudly, saying: “You have done a fine work; victory in war goes by turns. Today in exchange for the day (of Badr). Show your superiority, Hubal,” i.e. vindicate your religion. The Prophet told Umar to get up and respond to him and shout: “Allah is the most high and the most glorious. We are not equal. Our dead are in Paradise; and your dead are in Hell-Fire!”

    The other incident during the battle narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari:

    ‘Abu Sufyan ascended a high place and said, “Is Muhammad present amongst the people?” The Prophet said, “Do not answer him.” Abu Sufyan said, “Is the son of Abu Quhafa present among the people?” The Prophet said, “Do not answer him.” Abu Sufyan said, “Is the son of Al-Khattab amongst the people?” He then added, “All these people have been killed, for, were they alive, they would have replied.” On that, ’Umar could not help saying, “You are a liar, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept what will make you unhappy.” Abu Sufyan said, “Superior may be Hubal!” On that the Prophet said (to his companions), “Reply to him.” They asked, “What may we say?” He said, “Say: Allah is More Elevated and More Majestic!” Abu Sufyan said, “We have (the idol) al-‘Uzza, whereas you have no ‘Uzza!” The Prophet said (to his companions), “Reply to him.” They said, “What may we say?” The Prophet said, “Say: Allah is our Helper and you have no helper.” Hadith: Volume 5, Book 59, Number 375

    According to the historical Hadith, both Hubal and Allah are disassociated with one another.

    Therefore, Allah cannot be, and is not Hubal.

    God has always been One and Omnipotent. It has been the corrupted teachings of men who have led to set up other deities alongside Him in the past and even today.

    Islam is purely monotheistic.
